Sunday, October 30, 2011

antibullying statement

I came up with an anti-bullying statement to go toward my interact award in my jorny for girl scouts. This is the statement...

leave bullying to the bulls. become human and stop bullying today.

Don't you think it is great? I do! I encourage you to come up with a anti-bullying statement yourself and to pass this one on by telling it to your friends. A world without bullying wold be a good one. Don't you think it would?


Rachael said...

Good Job Madison! I Love It! :)

Madison said...


Madison said...

i posted 2 blogs today

Donna said...

That is great.

Rachael said...

Your Welcome! :)

kristin said...

i am so proud of you. you will soon be done with the journey.

Rachael said...

I think the "Amaze" journey wasn't too bad. I'm starting the "Breathe" Journey and soon the "MEdia" journey! :)

Hannah Elmore said...

I like it and so true as well. Here is mine (I just thought of it)
STOP Bullying, bullying is wrong and dumb...if it were u would u want 2 be bullied? That is a no so don't do it to others! Not my best I bet but..I like to write so there u go. I will 4 sure share that.