Happy hunger games. And may the odds be ever in your favor. :-)
Hi, I am Madison. I enjoy writing, so blogging will be a fun and exciting thing for me to do. I love, reading, wolves, and spending time with family and friends. My best friends are Maddy and Cassie. I love to go over to there houses to play. I love to play board games, video games, and any kind of fun games. My favorite sport is soccer. I swim and do horseback riding for fun. My favorite animal is a wolf. my favorite book is Twilight. I am writing two books, "My Team" and "Secret Places". I hope to finish them and get them published. I hope you enjoy my blog, I believe that I will...
Happy B-D Cassie! Who is the guy?
Happy Birthday Cassie! IDK, Hannah!
this gye is the singer of Cassie's favorite band, the ready set
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